COVID-19 Statement

We would like to reassure all our customers that we are currently operating as normal and are adhering with guidance published by Public Health England which we continuously review.

We have introduced additional measures into our processes to minimise social contact to reduce potential risk of contamination.

With effect from Monday 16th March our working procedures have changed to enable staff segregation; we have introduced home working; our engineers now receive their daily work schedule direct and our office phones can be diverted as required. All returned work schedules are placed in quarantine, or 72 hours prior to processing to eliminate contamination.

We are pleased to confirm, with the commitment of our staff, the changes are working extremely well; and all service commitments are being met.

With regards to our engineers site visits we have advised that all parties be aware of social distance and the process of receiving signatures be suspended as a precautionary measure.

Documentation relating to point of delivery/collection our waste transfer notes will be emailed direct during this period.

As the government issue further guidelines and advice, we will be taking all measures required to maintain our service levels and continued support to our customers.

We will continue to inform all our customers should it be necessary to further change our working procedures.